
Single-stage object detection methods have received significant attention recently due to their characteristic realtime capabilities and high detection accuracies. Generally, most existing single-stage detectors follow two common practices: they employ a network backbone that is pretrained on ImageNet for the classification task and use a top-down feature pyramid representation for handling scale variations. Contrary to common pre-training strategy, recent works have demonstrated the benefits of training from scratch to reduce the task gap between classification and localization, especially at high overlap thresholds. However, detection models trained from scratch require significantly longer training time compared to their typical finetuning based counterparts. We introduce a single-stage detection framework that combines the advantages of both fine-tuning pretrained models and training from scratch. Our framework constitutes a standard network that uses a pre-trained backbone and a parallel light-weight auxiliary network trained from scratch. Further, we argue that the commonly used top-down pyramid representation only focuses on passing high-level semantics from the top layers to bottom layers. We introduce a bi-directional network that efficiently circulates both low-/mid-level and high-level semantic information in the detection framework. Experiments are performed on MS COCO and UAVDT datasets. Compared to the baseline, our detector achieives an absolute gain of 7.4% and 4.2% in average precision (AP) on MS COCO and UAVDT datasets, respectively using VGG backbone. For a 300×300 input on the MS COCO test set, our detector with ResNet backbone surpasses existing single-stage detection methods for single-scale inference achieving 34.3 AP, while operating at an inference time of 19 milliseconds on a single Titan X GPU. Code is avail- able at https://github.com/vaesl/LRF-Net.

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