
This paper evaluates the learning outcomes of an introductory level engineering course and compares the assessment data of these outcomes to student self-evaluation of the achievement of outcomes. The introductory course is designed to contribute toward the achievement of four ABET student outcomes. Assessment of outcomes is performed through direct measurements of student performance in multiple assignments and three team projects. The data from the direct assessment is compared with the student perceptions of the achievement of these outcomes. Statistical analysis and correlation analysis are used to compare the two data sets. Student perceptions are quantified through data collected from surveys conducted in three sections of the course taught by two different instructors during Fall 2013 with the use of a 1-5 Likert scale. The surveys are conducted at the end of the semester. The surveys are designed such that each outcome can be mapped to multiple questions in order to avoid possible inconsistencies in student responses, and in order to build some redundancies in the survey instrument. Comparison of the two data sets yields important information about the achievement of learning outcomes (called student outcomes in the ABET literature) from a student’s perspective. The student surveys are also used to quantitatively and subjectively evaluate the student response toward the project-based learning (PBL) model that has been integrated in this course, as well as student responses to other aspects of PBL such as teamwork, open-ended problem solving, etc. The analysis of the learning outcomes and student self-assessment provides useful feedback about the course content of a required introductory course for engineering freshmen. This feedback can be used to improve curriculum and enhance student engagement. Students are known to find the transition from high school to a demanding major such as engineering very challenging. This study provides some insight into the student opinion about this transition. Furthermore, the findings from this study can be used to improve the delivery of follow-up introductory courses and enhancement of metacognitive development. The assessment of learning outcomes through multiple measures provides a means of understanding the usefulness of laboratory and project content in meeting outcomes, and also allows a comparison of the findings with the data in the existing literature. 3

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