
Because the ultimate purpose of using a learning management system is to improve effective learning, the system's benefits cannot be realized if students use it infrequently. To determine the elements that affect student usage, education providers must first understand how students view technology and their concerns. As a result, educational institutions must identify the primary elements impacting students' use of LMS and why students decide to use or reject LMS when given the option. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the use of Learning Management Systems by undergraduates at a Sri Lankan non-state university. There are three theories about how people use E-learning. There are three of them: TRA, TPB, and TAM. Because TRA and TPB have some limitations, this study used TAM. This study was expanded based on earlier research to include the variables: Subjective Norms, Internet and Computer Experience, Self-Efficacy, Technical Support, and Anxiety. At the specified university, there are 2128 students. The researcher collected data from 141 students by using Stratified random sampling techniques. Then the data was entered into a SmartPLS3. All measurement criteria for the measurement model's reliability and validity were fulfilled, and the structural model has fulfilled the Goodness of Fit. The results show that Self-Efficacy and Anxiety have a significant negative impact on the Perceived Ease of Use. Perceived Ease of Use has a significant negative impact on the Perceived Usefulness Self-Efficacy and Technical Support have a significant positive impact on the Perceived Usefulness Subjective Norms, and Perceived Usefulness have a significant positive impact on Intention to Use.

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