
Gaze-annotated facial data is crucial for training deep neural networks (DNNs) for gaze estimation. However, obtaining these data is labor-intensive and requires specialized equipment due to the challenge of accurately annotating the gaze direction of a subject. In this work, we present a generative framework to create annotated gaze data by leveraging the benefits of labeled and unlabeled data sources. We propose a Gaze-aware Compositional GAN that learns to generate annotated facial images from a limited labeled dataset. Then we transfer this model to an unlabeled data domain to take advantage of the diversity it provides. Experiments demonstrate our approach's effectiveness in generating within-domain image augmentations in the ETH-XGaze dataset and cross-domain augmentations in the CelebAMask-HQ dataset domain for gaze estimation DNN training. We also show additional applications of our work, which include facial image editing and gaze redirection.

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