
This is a review of the learning points from the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review,1 chaired by Baroness Julia Cumberlege CBE DL. This system-wide review was initiated by the then Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, following patient-led campaigns. It looked at how the "healthcare system reacted as a whole, and how that response can be made more robust, speedy and appropriate".We aim to highlight the learning points for doctors in Obstetrics and Gynaecology as these are relevant to our current practice and future changes in our healthcare system. These are: Aims of the review: why it was initiated and how it was conductedOverarching themes and missed opportunities to prevent avoidable harmThree clinical scenarios: their histories, issues and adverse events associated with their use and the current response in Scotland The hormone pregnancy test - PrimodosThe anti-epileptic drug - sodium valproateSurgical mesh for prolapse & incontinenceThe recommendations made by the review and implementation guidanceResponses to the review, such as apologies issued by BSUG2/BAUS3/RCOG,4 and compensations schemes such as the Scottish scheme as recommended by the review.

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