
Cakranegara is one of the cities which located in west Lombok was planned city and was developed since kingdom of Karangasem Bali controlled the island of Lombok in the 16th century. Cakranegara is one of the cities that has a very regular grid pattern and applies the Hindu philosophy in its design. How the Hindu philosophy is represented in the spatial character of the city of Cakranegara is the goals of the study. This research is a qualitative study and data collected by observing, interviewing and conducting empirical analysis on the map of the Cakranegara. From this study, it was concluded that the Hindu philosophy is represented in the spatial pattern of Cakranegara by applying the binary opposition concept of luan-teben, kaja-kelod, periphery-centre, upper-lower, and east-west orientation to create a spatial hierarchy for the city. Forming elements of the city are the palace/government, temples, markets, residential blocks and community housing, road networks, parks, and cemeteries. The layout of the elements forming the city applies the concept of the kuta negara to create a cosmological balance. The application of Hindu philosophy in urban spatial planning can be an alternative approach to urban design in recent time.

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