
Phase contrast computed tomography (PCCT) provides an effective non-destructive testing tool for weak absorption objects. Limited by the phase stepping principle and radiation dose requirement, sparse-view sampling is usually performed in PCCT, introducing severe artifacts in reconstruction. In this paper, we report a dual-domain (i.e., the projection sinogram domain and image domain) enhancement framework based on deep learning (DL) for PCCT with sparse-view projections. It consists of two convolutional neural networks (CNN) in dual domains and the phase contrast Radon inversion layer (PCRIL) to connect them. PCRIL can achieve PCCT reconstruction, and it allows the gradients to backpropagate from the image domain to the projection sinogram domain while training. Therefore, parameters of CNNs in dual domains are updated simultaneously. It could overcome the limitations that the enhancement in the image domain causes blurred images and the enhancement in the projection sinogram domain introduces unpredictable artifacts. Considering the grating-based PCCT as an example, the proposed framework is validated and demonstrated with experiments of the simulated datasets and experimental datasets. This work can generate high-quality PCCT images with given incomplete projections and has the potential to push the applications of PCCT techniques in the field of composite imaging and biomedical imaging.

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