
The motivation driving Project SYM is to confine the missteps in human existence. An extraordinary attestation is "gain from your missteps'. Notwithstanding, this verbalization is restricted to messes up that we make. All things considered, on the off chance that we are advancing just from our staggers, we are committing another screw up. Why commit slip-ups and gain from them, when we can procure relative portrayal from others' goods additionally? So gain from your staggers as well as gain from others' missteps. In any case, the solicitation emerges where we can track down others' missteps? Considering everything, Project SYM is keeping close by for you. On Project SYM we urge clients to share their slip-ups and the portrayals they obtained from it in an all-around facilitated plan. We moreover reward clients who accomplish more likes on their MisCards. Project SYM is made dealing with all of the best in class highlights of any electronic redirection application. It solidifies posting MisCards, similar to, disdain, remark, recommendation and safe choice. Clients can turn on or off remarks on their MisCards. Follow button is moreover accessible. It moreover solidifies two or three progressed highlights like modified subject age from the MisCards text utilizing LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) AI model. With the assistance of the LDA model the subject age is automated, without this the client should pick the point really.

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