
In this paper, we propose a binarized neural network learning method (BiDet) for efficient object detection. Conventional network binarization methods directly quantize the weights and activations in one-stage or two-stage detectors with constrained representational capacity, so that the information redundancy in the networks causes numerous false positives and degrades the performance significantly. On the contrary, our BiDet fully utilizes the representational capacity of the binary neural networks by redundancy removal, through which the detection precision is enhanced with alleviated false positives. Specifically, we generalize the information bottleneck (IB) principle to object detection, where the amount of information in the high-level feature maps is constrained and the mutual information between the feature maps and object detection is maximized. Meanwhile, we learn sparse object priors so that the posteriors are concentrated on informative detection prediction with false positive elimination. Since BiDet employs a fixed IB trade-off to balance the total and relative information contained in the high-level feature maps, the information compression leads to ineffective utilization of the network capacity or insufficient redundancy removal for input in different complexity. To address this, we further present binary neural networks with automatic information compression (AutoBiDet) to automatically adjust the IB trade-off for each input according to the complexity. Moreover, we further propose the class-aware sparse object priors by assigning different sparsity to objects in various classes, so that the false positives are alleviated more effectively without recall decrease. Extensive experiments on the PASCAL VOC and COCO datasets show that our BiDet and AutoBiDet outperform the state-of-the-art binarized object detectors by a sizable margin.

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