
Analyzing and understanding people's sentiments towards different topics has become an interesting task due to the explosion of opinion-rich resources. In most sentiment analysis applications, sentiment lexicons play a crucial role, to be used as metadata of sentiment polarity. However, most previous works focus on discovering general-purpose sentiment lexicons. They cannot capture domain-specific sentiment words, or implicit and connotative sentiment words that are seemingly objective. In this paper, we propose a supervised sentiment-aware LDA model (ssLDA). The model uses a minimal set of domain-independent seed words and document labels to discover a domain-specific lexicon, learning a lexicon much richer and adaptive to the sentiment of specific document. Experiments on two publicly-available datasets (movie reviews and Obama-McCain debate dataset) show that our model is effective in constructing a comprehensive and high-quality domain-specific sentiment lexicon. Furthermore, the resulting lexicon significantly improves the performance of sentiment classification tasks.

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