
Geometry understanding is a significant aspect of studying geometric transformation. Besides, geometry is the basis for most mathematical and other topics. However, geometry is nonetheless a challenging material for students, particularly the dilations of geometric transformation. This case may be due to a lack of activity requiring students to relate geometrical principles to their environment. Therefore, this study aims to establish a learning trajectory using the Lawang Sewu historical building as the context to help students understand the idea of dilation. The learning approach used in this study was Realistic Mathematics Education, named PMRI in the Indonesian edition. The subject of the study is the ninth-grade students at one of the junior high school in Semarang, involving six students who were selected as diverse students. The methodology applied consists of three stages of design research: preliminary design, design experiment, and retrospective analysis. Additionally, this study reveals only the findings of the design experiment and the pilot experiment in particular. Students’ learning activities involve three activities, such as identifying the elements of Lawang Sewu that represent dilations through interactive video, determining the result of dilations and scale factor, and solving problems of dilations. Studies have shown that using the Lawang Sewu historical building context could assist students in improving their comprehending of the dilation concept. Furthermore, this study could be an inspiration to explore another local wisdom that can be a context in learning mathematical concept.

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