
Due to the existence of complex disturbances and frequent switching of operational conditions characteristics in the real industrial processes, the process data under different operational conditions subject to different distributions, which means there exist different manifold structures under broad operations. Globally, the entire process data are distributed in a multimanifold structure. Nevertheless, the existing data-driven quality prediction methods do not consider the relationships among different manifolds of data and just treats the process data as a single manifold. How to extract effective multimanifold structure feature representation from complex process data and enhance online prediction ability are still challenging in the field of real industrial processes. To this end, in this article, a novel stacked multimanifold autoencoder (S-MMAE) is proposed for feature extraction and quality prediction. Especially, by introducing a new multimanifold regularization into the original loss function of stacked autoencoder at each layer, the intrinsic multimanifold structure information of data is utilized to guide the feature learning procedure. In this way, the learned features can offer a more comprehensive representation of original data and help enhance the prediction performance. At last, the application results in a practical hydrocracking process demonstrate that the proposed S-MMAE can achieve excellent prediction accuracy, which outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.

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