
One fundamental problem in Earth Vision is to accurately find the locations and identify the categories of the interesting objects in the aerial images, for which oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) are usually employed to depict better the objects emerging with arbitrary orientations. However, the regression of the OBBs always suffers from the ambiguous problem in the definition of the regression targets, which often reduces the convergency efficiency and decreases the detection accuracy. Although there are some methods like the binary segmentation map that can handle this problem, it brings a new problem of ambiguous background pixels in the OBBs. In this article, we propose to cast the OBB regression as a center-probability-map (CenterMap)-prediction problem, thus largely eliminating the ambiguities on the target definitions and the background pixels. The predicted CenterMaps are then used to generate the OBBs. The CenterMap OBB representation is simple, yet effective. Furthermore, to distinguish better the interesting objects from the cluttered background, a weighted pseudosegmentation-guided attention network is adopted to provide the object-level features for predicting the horizontal bounding boxes and the OBBs. The experimental results on three widely used data sets, i.e., DOTA, HRSC2016, and UCAS-AOD, demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

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