
We propose a machine learning framework for the data-driven discovery of macroscopic chemotactic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)-and the closures that lead to them- from high-fidelity, individual-based stochastic simulations of Escherichia coli bacterial motility. The fine scale, chemomechanical, hybrid (continuum-Monte Carlo) simulation model embodies the underlying biophysics, and its parameters are informed from experimental observations of individual cells. Using a parsimonious set of collective observables, we learn effective, coarse-grained "Keller-Segel class" chemotactic PDEs using machine learning regressors: (a) (shallow) feedforward neural networks and (b) Gaussian Processes. The learned laws can be black-box (when no prior knowledge about the PDE law structure is assumed) or gray-box when parts of the equation (e.g. the pure diffusion part) is known and "hardwired" in the regression process. More importantly, we discuss data-driven corrections (both additive and functional), to analytically known, approximate closures.

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