
While studying electrical engineering at the University of Maine, I became aware of the specialize field of “acoustics.” After graduation from UMaine with no specific plan in sight, it occurred to me that graduate studies in architectural acoustic would be of interest. So, I wrote to Leo Beranek to inquire about which schools might be considered for such graduate work. From Leo's list of five schools I applied to two, one of which offered an assistantship, and Penn State which did not. I chose Penn State because of a professor in Architectural Engineering—Jiri Tichy. After the first semester, I was offered a graduate assistantship doing research on small room acoustics directly with Jiri Tichy, and I was his first student to receive an M.S. degree in acoustics through the Dept. of Architectural Engineering in 1973. I changed course along with Jiri as he became the director of the Interdisciplinary program in Acoustics, and I continued with his research assistantship graduating with a Ph.D. in Acoustics in 1977. I retired from a career in research in 2017 having spent my entire life doing what I learned because of Jiri, both in technology and in life.

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