
Under various circumstances and in different species the outward expression of learning varies considerably, and this has led to the classification of different categories of learning. Just as there is no generally agreed on definition of learning, there is no one system of classification. Types of learning commonly recognized are: Habituation, sensitization, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, trial and error, taste aversion, latent learning, cultural learning, imprinting, insight learning, learning-set learning and instinct. The term memory must include at least two separate processes. It must involve, on the one hand, that of learning something and on the other, at some later date, recalling that thing. What lies between the learning and (he remembering must be some permanent record — a memory trace — within the brain. Memory exists in at least two forms: memory for very recent events (short-term) which is relatively labile and easily disruptable; and long-term memory, which is much more stable. Not everything that gets into short-term memory becomes fixed in the long-term store; a filtering mechanism selects things that might be important and discards the rest.


  • Under various circumstances and in different species the outward expression o f learning varies considerably, and this has led to the classification o f different categories o f learning

  • The challenge o f discovering a translation o f the psychological processes o f learning and memory into the neurobiological ones o f cellular and biochemical events remains fascinating, and it is here, if anywhere, that we might bridge the gap between mind and brain

  • Three types o f model system have proved powerful in memory

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Leervermoë en geheue

Binne die raamwerk van wat normaalweg as deel van ’n leerproses beskou word, is daar ’n hele verskeidenheid leertipes. Die tweede benadering het te make m et ondersoeke van die breine van diere wat meer soos dié van die mens is. Hierdie navorsers het heel organismes oorboord gegooi en meer reduksionisties te werk gegaan deur slegs ’n deel van die soogdierbrein (die hippokampus) wat by geheue betrokke is, te ondersoek. Jong diere het besondere meriete vir sodanige ondersoeke en daar word veral van voëls wat pas die nes verlaat het, gebruik gemaak. Hierdie veranderinge kan ook aangetoon word deur middel van radioaktiewe o f immunologiese merkers, asmede deur breinopnames wat na eksperimentele afrigting van die voëls gemaak is. M et behulp van al hierdie benaderings begin ons ’n goeie idee kry van die neuronale, neurochemiese, molekulêre en biofisiese substrate van geheue by sowel invertebraat- as vertebraatstelsels

Learning and memory
Jongdierondersoeke Steven Rose van die Breinnavorsingsgroep aan die
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