
A suprasylvian lesion removing cortical areas 7 and 21 and portions of area 19 and of the lateral suprasylvian area was placed in one hemisphere of split-chiasm cats. By comparison with the normal side and with cortically intact split-chiasm and split-brain cats, form discrimination learning with the eye on the injured side was severely retarded. This deficit could not be attributed to an unintentional undercutting of areas 17 and 18, since in three cases the laminae of the lateral geniculate nucleus showed little retrograde atrophy; marked degeneration was found in the medial interlaminar nucleus and the pulvinar complex. In addition, interocular transfer of form discriminations to the eye on the injured side was absent or poor, while transfer in the opposite direction was normal. A cat with a suprasylvian lesion undercutting areas 17 and 18 was unable to learn pattern discriminations with the eye on the injured side, in spite of prolonged training with that eye and normal learning with the other eye. Another cat with a suprasylvian lesion selectively removing the anteromedial and posteromedial portions of the lateral suprasylvian area showed no learning deficit on the injured side, but poor transfer to that side. A learning deficit on the side of the lesion emerged in this cat after forebrain commissurotomy. The results support the hypothesis of a major involvement of cortical areas outside of 17 and 18 in the processes of abstraction and generalization of visual information necessary for learning and interhemispheric transfer of form discrimination in the cat.

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