
Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is a hybrid initiative that identifies customer desires, eliminates wastes and reduces variability. It combines Six Sigma's structured problem solving using statistical tools with lean operation's emphasis on flow improvement. Prior studies have developed scales to measure Lean or Six Sigma, but have not developed a measurement instrument for the hybrid approach. The present study attempts to further develop the theory and understanding of LSS through the conceptual development and empirical validation of multi-item measurement scales that reflect LSS competence. The study then tests the instrument in the food industry to identify which LSS practices are successfully implemented in that sector. Creating valid, reliable LSS scales may identify those LSS practices that are most appropriate for the food industry. The proposed measurement instrument should identify potential improvement opportunities to enhance food industry firms' performance and competitiveness. This will also allow the findings to serve as a potential model for other industry sectors operating under different contingency factors.

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