
Foundry processes are most widely used in manufacturing industries. Casting is a manufacturing process in which molten metal is poured into a mould cavity then allow to solidify. Good quality product is main requirement of customers and reduction in defects in product is most important factor for any manufacturing industry. Defective products cause high rejection rate which leads to reduction in profit of industry. Foundry industry involves various processes such as core making, mould making, pattern making, melting of metal, pouring of molten metal, finishing of raw casting etc. Casting have various defects, which must be reduced. Lean six sigma tools are most effective tool to find out various defects and gives feasible solution to overcome it. Rejection data analysis reflects various defects in castings which can help to find out current sigma level of an industry. Six sigma involves DMAIC methods which consist different phases like define, measure, analyse, improve and control. As a result of rejection data analysis it can be found that sand drop is major defect to increase rejection. Industry can be able to find out feasible solution to overcome the defects. With proposed work sigma level of industry imrpoved to 3.0 from 2.6. It helps to reduce manufacturing cost, gives consistent quality, reduction in rejection rate, hence, profit can be increased.

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