
Manufacturing processes are usually imbedded in cross-company value and supply chains. Most manufacturing companies are currently encountering the obligation to react on their rapidly changing network environments. For companies, which are willing to remain competitive and to keep their position in the global business environment, continuous improvement and innovation of production system processes has become a necessity. Lean manufacturing and lean thinking represent meanwhile traditional frameworks for improving the performance for production systems in various industries. But not all production companies succeed with their implementation efforts towards lean manufacturing and performance improvements due to failures in organisational topics, especially at the interfaces within supply chains. Lean start-up theory and its methodologies represent success factors for organisational development paving the way to intrapreneurial and innovation concepts in a lean management influenced by lean thinking. Modern manufacturing concepts which are embracing networked enterprises are emphasising approaches for production in networks. The article investigates the innovation shortcoming in the lean manufacturing framework; organisational development in the context of intrapreneurship in a case study of a modular manufacturing company which is based on a smart and lean production concept. The research is empirically validated by using data samples from a business reengineering project in an internationally operating high-tech manufacturing enterprise from Estonia. The empiric analysis is based on semi-structured expert interview data and secondary data revealing the synergies between lean practice bundles and networked production enterprises in the context of intrapreneurship.

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