
The Lean concept was applied for the first time in the Toyota Production System (STP). Where it was used as a tool to increase productivity by eliminating waste. The term Lean Construction is an application of this philosophy in the construction industry. This article reports a case of the implementation of Lean Construction at a construction site where a kilometer of pipes for the drainage of rainwater from the retaining boxes of a company in the transportation of fuels and a condominium located in west of Manaus. The methodology used for this study was on-site observation, that is, visits were made to monitor the construction site routine to detect the problem and later propose a solution. The pattern of civil construction prevalent in Brazil still generates high rates of waste and other problems involving labor, delivery time, quality among other factors. Therefore, the Lean Construction philosophy has advantages for the civil construction industry because it can provide a more efficient service, reducing waste, increasing productivity and quality control.


  • Ao longo dos anos, os pesquisadores desenvolveram definições e interpretações de retrabalho em correspondência com seus próprios sistemas de produção (Li & Taylor, 2011)

  • Desse modo no que tange ao Lean Construction é a capacidade de contar com colaboradores multiqualificados em todos os níveis dos serviços ali prestados, configurando-se dessa forma uma ferramenta de produtividade de suma importância em um canteiro de obras

  • Como deverá ser realizada cada etapa/tarefa (Método) Por que deverá ser realizada a tarefa? (Justificativa) Onde cada etapa será executada? (Local) Quando cada uma das tarefas deverá executada (Tempo?) Quem realizará as tarefas (Responsabilidade) Quanto custará a ação ou quanto se economizará com a ação?

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AArrtticicleleHHisitsotroyr:y: RReecceeiivveedd 2x0xtxh xFxexb,ru2a0r1y9, 2020 RReecceeiivveedd iinn rreevviisseedd ffoorrmm 0x3xrxd xMxxarxcxh,,22001290 Accepted 11th April, 2020 Published online 25th May, 2020.

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Conference of the International Group for Lean
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