
Research has been conducted on the relationship between sensory evaluation and objective measurement of pork colour. The study also investigated the relationship between the colour of fresh meat and the colour of matured hams. Sensory evaluation was carried out at 24 h post mortem on the freshly cut surfaces of green hams trimmed for Parma ham production. Objective measurements were performed at the same time on Semimembranosus and Biceps femoris muscles with a Minolta Chromameter Reflectance II CR200/08. Cold carcass weight, lean content, trimmed ham weight, 45 min and 24 h post mortem pH of Semimembranosus muscle were also recorded. The hams were processed according to Parma ham technology. Weight losses at standard processing times were collected. At the end of processing a sample of about one-third of the hams was evaluated for internal lean colour and lean firmness both by sensory panel and objective measurements. Proximate composition was also determined. The results showed highly significant relationships between colour sensory scores and the coordinates L ∗, b ∗ and hue of the C.I.E. L ∗a ∗b ∗ colour system. Among the other parameters measured on fresh meat only 24 h pH was related at a very significant level with sensory and objective colour values. Correlation coefficients were generally higher for Semimembranosus than Biceps femoris. Matured ham colour was linked with fresh meat sensory judgements, L ∗ , hue and a ∗ values. The relationship, though, was not sufficiently strong for use in predicting the colour of matured hams from green ham characteristics. Processing appears to have a positive effect on the colour of pale meat. Weight losses were mainly linked with lean meat content; other quality attributes being less important. Lean firmness of matured hams was related to the colour and pH of the fresh meat.

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