
Obtaining precise and adequate failure data can be challenging in the probabilistic risk assessment of process industries, like submarine pipelines. This study proposes a novel approach, the Pythagorean fuzzy Bayesian network methodology, to tackle the challenge of obtaining prior data in the assessment of leakage risk in submarine pipelines. First, the qualitative evaluation of experts is converted by Pythagorean fuzzy sets. Next, the enhanced Pythagorean trapezoidal fuzzy Einstein hybrid geometric operator is integrated with the subject-objective weighting approach to consolidate the expert opinions in order to obtain prior probabilities. Following this, the leaky Noisy-OR gate in the Bayesian network is utilized to access the conditional probabilities, which depict the uncertain logical connection of events. Ultimately, the Bayesian network is utilized for inference and analysis to anticipate the probability of system failure and detect any vulnerabilities. Furthermore, a case study is performed to demonstrate the practicality of the approach. The reliability of the methodology is verified by results comparison and analysis. The suggested approach and evaluation findings can offer valuable guidance for the safety supervision of the submarine pipeline network.

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