
IN a pamphlet entitled “Anarchy or Peace”, Lord Davies discusses the dangers of the present situation in Europe and the possibilities of avoiding the out break of an even more disastrous European war (London: The New Commonwealth. 9d.). Refer ring to the defects of the League of Nations as demon strated by recent events, Lord Davies asserts that these were due to the absence of an equity tribunal and international police force, and more particularly to the lack of cohesion and determination on the part of States members of the League. Accordingly, he heavily discounts a good many of the proposals to reform the League as designed rather to deprive the League of the very functions which would enable it to secure the peace of the world if its machinery were honestly and whole-heartedly used. Proposals to substitute a series of regional pacts are only too certain to plunge us back in the pre-War system with its inevitable outcome. Lord Davies argues that the only solution of our present dangerous situation lies first in the creation of peaceful procedure for the settlement of all disputes and the revision of treaties. For this purpose, in default of a more satisfactory solution, an equity tribunal holds the field. Secondly, an international police force is required, and he urges once more the equipment of a European air police force under the control and direction of a neutral authority, a reconstituted League. This force must be superior in numbers and equipment to the national air force of any European State which refuses to join in the guarantee. Only a scheme on these lines will suffice to restore the confidence of the smaller powers in the integrity and good faith of the great powers, and endow the League with the superiority of force essential for the establishment of the rule of law.

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