
Damian and Pemmaraju [J. Algorithms, 42 (2002), pp. 255–276] introduced leaf sector covers for circle graphs and presented an O(n2)-time algorithm to find this data structure. They subsequently employed it as an algorithmic tool, leading to the development of an 8-approximation algorithm for the dominating set problem, a (2+ε)-approximation scheme for the dominating set problem, and a (3+ε)-approximation scheme for the total dominating set problem.In this paper, we have improved the time complexity from O(n2) to O(n+m) for finding a leaf sector cover. Furthermore, we employed leaf sector covers as a powerful algorithmic tool to design a 10-approximation algorithm for the total dominating set problem and a 12-approximation algorithm for the paired-dominating set problem. Moreover, we also proposed a (2+ε)-approximation scheme for the total dominating set problem and a (4+ε)-approximation scheme for the paired-dominating set problem. The results presented above are currently the best algorithms for circle graphs.

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