
AbstractLeaf removal is a standard vineyard management technique to influence grape composition or to reduce disease pressure; however, the timing and intensity of leaf removal is a widely discussed issue. The interplay of different goals and effects over time does not make experimental studies any easier. To gain insight into positive and negative consequences of leaf removal on grapevine development, a first step can be to study how leaf removal affects the canopy’s light absorption using a dynamic model approach. Functional–structural plant models combine canopy architecture with physiological processes and allow analysing canopy interaction with the environment with great topological detail. The functional–structural plant model Virtual Riesling simulates Riesling vines in a vineyard set-up depending on temperature and plant management. We implemented leaf removal and applied this method in or above the bunch zone to compare the light absorption in canopies. Leaf removal in the bunch zone led to greater loss of absorbed light, but canopies of both scenarios could compensate for most of the loss during the simulation time frame. Compensation was mainly driven by lateral leaves closing the gaps induced by leaf removal and by leaves in the proximity of the leaf removal zones, re-exposed to light. Results showed similar effects as observed in in vivo studies; hence, we suggest extending these simulations to investigate other effects linked to light distribution such as berry sunburn. Simple modifications of implemented leaf removal techniques also allow for testing different application scopes and their impact on canopy light absorption.

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