
Contrary to streams, decomposition processes of terrestrial leaf litter are still poorly understood in lakes. Here, we examined the decomposition of two leaf species, beech (Fagus sylvatica) and poplar (Populus nigra ‘italica’) in the littoral zone of a large pre-alpine lake at a wave exposed site. We focussed on the shredding impact of benthic invertebrates in a field experiment and on the effects of wave-induced disturbances under field and mesocosm conditions. In contrast to our expectations, benthic shredders did not reveal an important role in leaf processing under the conditions of the field experiment (early spring time, wave impact zone). Strong wave turbulence during storm events significantly reduced leaf mass, FPOM and invertebrate densities at field conditions. Several reasons can explain the low importance of shredders in our field study: (a) phenology of the shredder species, (b) feeding preferences and alternative food sources for gammarids, (c) generally low abundance of the native gammarid species due to the recent occurrence of an invasive predator, (d) disturbance of shredder activity due to high wave impact and (e) relatively low food value of the offered leaves. We suggest that leaf litter decomposition in lakes occurs in specific process domains, which largely depend on the hydraulic characteristics and on water-level fluctuations.

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