
Total above ground plant biomass in a 45 year old seasonally dry tropical hardwood forest was estimated to be approximately 56,000 kg/ha oven dry weight. Nutrients immobilized in the standing vegetation were: N, 203 kg/ha; P, 24 kg/ha; K, 234 kg/ha; Ca, 195 kg/ha; Mg, 47 kg/ha; Na, 9 kg/ha; Mn, 1 kg/ha; Cu, 0.5 kg/ha; Zn, 3 kg/ha; Fe, 4 kg/ha. Total nutrients returned each year through the litter were: N, 156 kg/ha; P, 9 kg/ha; K, 59 kg/ha; Ca, 373 kg/ha; Mg, 32 kg/ha; Na, 5 kg/ha; Mn, 1 kg/ha; Al, 21 kg/ha; Zn, 0.3 kg/ha; Fe, 9 kg/ha. Half of the nutrients immobilized in the standing vegetation were found in the leaves and are returned annually to the soil. Although litter fall is interrupted during the year, the mean nutrient content of the litter was high −5.2%. A decomposition rate of 0.48 percent per day was considered high for a seasonally dry tropical hardwood forest. Fluctuations in soil nutrient levels showed a sharp increase at the start of the rainy season. Later during the dry season nutrient levels decreased to concentrations similar to what they were just prior to the rainy season. Soil organic matter levels were very high −20% in the top 12 cm.

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