
The normal-alkane range in leaf cuticular waxes from 22 Persea species and cultivars and from the closely related genus Beilschmiedia was C 23 H 48 to C 35, H 72; alkanes with an odd number of carbon atoms predominated, C 33 H 68 usually constituting about half of the total wax. The alkane profiles gave good agreement with established taxonomy. Beilschmiedia showed an alkane distribution quite different from that of the Persea taxa. Amongst Persea species, the geographical and phylogenetic distinctiveness of P. indica and P. donnell-smithii were reflected in the distinctiveness of their alkanes. Within the subgenus Persea. the morphologically most distinct entity. P. schiedeana, also had a distinct alkane profile. Cultivars of hybrid origin indicated in their alkane proportions pronounced gene interaction.

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