
Motivation of the future philology teachers to educational activity is an important part of students’ training at higher education institutions. The desire of applicants to acquire professional knowledge, to form skills and abilities that will form the basis of their pedagogical activities in the future, should become the main factor that encourages them to conscious study of the disciplines of general and professional training. The value-motivational aspect of philology students’ teaching involves creating a supportive environment at the institution to satisfy the interests and needs of students, taking into account their personal qualities, level of cognitive activity, readiness to realize themselves in society, understanding the importance of their future profession, etc.
 In the conditions of Russian aggression, the problem of motivation of students’; educational activities is actualized, since the war affected not only the form of education and its organization, but also the attitude, personal motives, and approaches of the students to the future professional activity in the conditions of the war and in the post-war period. The purpose of the article is to determine and analyze the motives of the educational activities of philology students to study the disciplines of general and professional training in the conditions of martial law.
 A survey of applicants of the first (bachelo’s) level of educational programs of the specialty 014.01 Secondary Education of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University was conducted and analyzed to identify motivational typology. According to the results of the questionnaire, the leading motives of the educational activity of future philology teachers were determined and described, their prevalent personal and professional interests during the study of general and professional training the disciplines under martial law were highlighted.

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