
The purpose of this study was to determine how leadership style affects the occupational, safety and health of Police Officers in Nairobi City County, Kenya. In this study, data was collected from Police Officers which were the main study population. The study chose Nairobi City County where all the police stations were covered. The target population was 4,000 Police Officers which included commanding officers to have a sample size of 200. They were sampled through simple random sampling. First a 10 percent of all 33 police stations in Nairobi and the Police Officers there in were initially used for a pilot study. In the police stations which had remained, a sample of 5 percent of Police Officers and a commanding officer in each station were studied. Data from the respondents were collected by the use of questionnaires. The study was carried out on Police Officers who were on duty but after permission had been sought from relevant authorities. It was based on a simple random sampling research method where each officer had a chance of being chosen. Every officer commanding a police station was chosen. Each respondent was explained the importance of the study, that it was done freely with their willingness, at a convenient location, the questionnaires were to be collected and kept with confidence. Each respondent was requested to confirm in writing, affirmative action or signing a document without indicating a name that the study was done with their approval. Through these modes of data collection, every population was well represented as a sample. The study used Cronbach Alpha Coefficient to test on reliability of instruments. The validity of research instruments was also tested. The computer software SPSS version 20 was used to analyze the collected data. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used in data analysis. Data was then presented in the form of figures, tables and charts. Through factor analysis, all the eight statements of the variable under study were retained for they were above 0.5. The response rate of the responds was 75.5% which is acceptable. It was found out that 36.4% of the Police Officers had worked in the National Police Service for 6 to 10 years and majority of them, 82.1% were married. The four leadership styles found to be affecting the occupational, safety and health of Police Officers in Nairobi City County, Kenya were; transformational, autocratic, democratic and charismatic leadership styles. It was found out that 84.5% of the leaders of Police Officers were visionary, 60.2% valued the constitution and see it as a protector and supporter of their occupational safety and health. In fact, 85.5% and 61.6% see Kenya Human Rights and OSHA respectively as valuable Acts. Key Words: Leadership style, Occupational Safety, Health of Police officers, Nairobi County

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