
Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to review the extant literature on leadership with a view of highlighting the nature of construct of leadership qualities. The foregoing would ultimately assist in explaining the potential leadership qualities bring out for suitable and desirable organizational outcome within context of the people or followers in that organization. The paper therefore examined extant theoretical, empirical and conceptual literature, guided by the following set of objectives: to review the conceptual literature for the three study constructs (leadership qualities, followership, and organizational performance), to review the empirical literature for the three study constructs (leadership qualities, followership, and organizational performance), to develop conceptual framework and propositions from the study and to document the causal/model effects of leadership qualities to the followership styles and the overall performance of organizations.
 Methodology: The study adopted qualitative methods of study which involved desktop review of all the conceptual literature and the empirical literature that would provide the requisite details and information regarding the identified study constructs.
 Findings: The study has established that various positive leadership qualities do positively affect individual and overall organizational performance and productivity. Further, the study established that there is a correlation between the leadership qualities exhibited by the leaders and followership styles and behaviors. Though leadership qualities directly affect both the performance of individuals and the overall organization, the impact is also dependent on the followership styles exhibited by the followers/employee. Followership styles and behaviors mediates the relationship between leadership qualities and organizational performance. The paper has covered extensively the literature that entails leadership, leadership qualities, followership, and organizational performance from both the conceptual and theoretical perspectives.
 Contribution to theory and practice: The study will lead in the advancement of knowledge in leadership qualities, followership and organizational performance and integrate leadership qualities and the performance of the organization. The literature reviewed has shown that there is sufficient argument that support the integration of the leadership qualities and performance of organization and the same can be advanced through establishment of a theoretical model.

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