
Introduction. 1. What Is Effective Leadership? 2. How Do Leaders Learn? 3. Joining a Company. 4. Moving into a Leadership Role. 5. Accepting the Stretch Assignment. 6. Assuming Responsibility for a Business. 7. Dealing with Significant Failure for Which You Are Responsible. 8. Coping with a Bad Boss and Competitive Peers. 9. Losing Your Job or Being Passed Over for Promotion. 10. Being Part of an Acquisition or Merger. 11. Living in a Different Country or Culture 12. Finding a Meaningful Balance Between Work and Family. 13. Letting Go of Ambition. 14. Facing Personal Upheaval. 15. Losing Faith in the System. 16. How Companies Can Use Passages to Develop Leadership. 17. An Eight-Step Survive-and-Thrive Guide. Bibliography. About the Authors. Index.

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