
Titanic. Just a single word is enough to ignite myriad emotions. Many ships have sunk and have been forgotten in the annals of history. But Titanic is different. It is just not a story about a sinking ship. It is a story about sinking humans. That a ship as big as Titanic could sink was beyond anyone’s imagination. But it did . Facts and folklore abound as to why it sank and what could have prevented it. Films have been made. Stories have been written , each capturing a part of the whole. So many wrong things happened in the darkness of one night. Precious lives were lost. The story is no different when a corporation sinks. It is just not about investors losing money. It is also about people losing jobs and their families pushed to penury . Like the captain of a ship , the CEO steers a corporation towards its goals. Profit is surely an important goal. But the welfare of employees is paramount. In this review article , the author draws leadership lessons from the Titanic story.

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