
The training development steps are based on an elaboration model (1) Presentation of the content framework, which shows the main parts of the material and the main relationships between the parts, (2) Gradual elaboration the parts covered in the content framework will be elaborated gradually, (3) The most important part is presented first , that is, at a stage of elaboration, whatever consideration is used, the most important part will be elaborated first, (4) Optimal scope of elaboration , meaning that the depth and breadth of each elaboration will be carried out optimally, (5) meaning pensintesis will be awarded after each elaborating, (6) P enyajian kind pensintesis , it means the type of pensintesis will be tailored to the content type field training eye, and (7) stages granting summary, it means that the summary will administered before each serving of the synthesizer. Overall results achieved participants trained using materials with Building Effective Teams composed by organizing the contents based on the model of elaboration is higher compared with participants who were trained menggunan teaching materials which interchanges with the organization of the contents based on the order of textbooks. From these findings concluded that to increase to e fektifan training results can be used organizing learning based on the model elaboration.

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