
This research focused on analyzing the development of the most relevant leadership competencies for the initial teacher training of future education professionals through a systematic review. The development and formation of leadership competencies in education is a relevant topic which must be investigated. Since the role of teachers is fundamental for the formative processes of the students, leadership competencies must be developed in their initial training. The training processes include both the knowledge that students must acquire according to the curriculum, as well as the development of skills that help them grow as individuals. The research problem focused on the need to develop leadership skills in the initial teacher training that allows them to perform comprehensively in their professional life in the field of education. The purpose was to analyze the development of the most relevant leadership competencies for the initial teacher training of future education professionals through a systematic review. It was demonstrated with this research that the competencies of leadership, communication, emotional intelligence and teamwork are the most relevant for initial teacher training. In addition, the contribution that the development of these competencies in the initial training of education graduates has on professional performance was confirmed.

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