
This contribution presents data for laser ablation multicollector ICP‐MS (LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS) analyses of NIST SRM 610 and 612 glasses with the express purpose of examining the Pb isotope homogeneity of these glasses at the ∼ 100 μm spatial scale, relevant to in situ analysis. Investigation of homogeneity at these scales is important as these glasses are widely used as calibrators for in situ measurements of Pb isotope composition. Results showed that at the levels of analytical uncertainty obtained, there was no discernable heterogeneity in Pb isotope composition of NIST SRM 610 and also most probably for NIST SRM 612. Traverses across the ∼ 1.5 mm glass wafers supplied by NIST, consisting of between 75 and 133 individual measurements, showed no compositional outliers at the two standard deviation level beyond those expected from population statistics. Overall, the measured Pb isotope ratios from individual traverses across NIST SRM 610 and 612 wafers closely approximate single normally‐distributed populations, with standard deviations similar to the average internal uncertainty for individual measurement blocks. Further, Pb isotope ratios do not correlate with Tl/Pb ratios measured during the analysis, suggesting that regions of volatile element depletion (marked by low Tl/Pb) in these glasses are not associated with changes in Pb isotope composition. For NIST SRM 610 there also appeared to be no variation in Pb isotope composition related to incomplete mixing of glass base and trace element spike during manufacture. For NIST SRM 612 there was some dispersion of measured ratios, including some in a direction parallel to the expected mixing line for base‐spike mixing. However, there was no significant correlation parallel to the mixing line. At this time this cannot be unequivocally demonstrated to result from glass heterogeneity, but it is suggested that NIST SRM 610 be preferred for standardising in situ Pb isotope measurements. Data from this study also showed significantly better accuracy and somewhat better precision for ratios corrected for mass bias by external normalisation to Pb isotope ratios measured in bracketing calibrators compared to mass bias corrected via internal normalisation to measured 205Tl/203Tl, although the Tl isotopic composition of both glasses appears to be homogeneous.

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