
Until now, lead zirconate titanate (PZT) based ceramics are the most widely used in piezoelectric devices. However, the use of lead is being avoided due to its toxicity and environmental risks. Indeed, the attention in piezoelectric devices has been moved to lead-free ceramics, especially on (K,Na)NbO3-based materials, due to growing environmental concerns. Here we report a systematic evaluation of the effects of the compositional modifications induced by replacement of the B-sites with Sb(5+) ions in 0.96[(K0.48Na0.52)0.95Li0.05Nb1-xSbxO3]-0.04[BaZrO3] lead-free piezoceramics. We show that this compositional design is the driving force for the development of the high piezoelectric properties. So, we find that this phenomenon can be explained by the stabilization of a Rhombohedral-Tetragonal (R-T) phase boundary close to room temperature, that facilities the polarization process of the system and exhibits a significantly high piezoelectric response with a d33 value as high as ∼400 pC/N, which is comparable to part soft PZTs. As a result, we believe that the general strategy and design principles described in this study open the possibility of obtaining (K,Na)NbO3-based lead-free ceramics with enhanced properties, expanding their application range.

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