
SPECIFIC VOCABULARY OF THE MOTIONS OF MITTERRAND, ROCARD AND THE CERES AT THE METZ CONGRESS (1979) On the basis of a lexicometric analysis of the specific vocabulary of the seven motions tabled at the Metz Congress, S.B. presents the tables of specificities (positive and negative) of motions A (Mitterrand), С (Rocard) and E (CERES). Motion A shows a predilection for electoral and institutional vocabulary in which the lexicon of need and struggles is poorly represented. Motion С is characterized by a rhetoric of preference and evidence in which political vocabulary is under represented at the cost of the social. Motion E differs from the two previous motions in that it shows a marked presence of ideological vocabulary, a clear designation of the social and political protagonists, and priority is given to the national theme in preference to the European theme. To conclude, S.B. proposes three tables which synthesize the differences and oppositions between the three texts in relation to the designation of the left wing parties and the social actors.

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