
In the studied area, on the southern slope(«Ossa-Morena Zone) of the Sierra Morena (Spain) the Silurian and earliest Devonian (Lochkovian = approximately Gedinnian) consist of about 130 m of black, argillaceous, largely euxinic graptolitic slates, which, by the intermezzo of the dark «Limestones with Orthoceras and Scyphocrinus (late Ludlow and Pridolian), are divided into two inequal units, namely the Lower and Upper Graptolitic Slates. The occurence of 21 Graptolite zones and horizons was established, starting off with the basal Llandovery ( A. acuminatus zone) and ending up with the Upper Lochkovian ( M. hercynicas zone). This condensed tripartite graptolitic sequence, both lithologically and faunally, compares closely with the typical development of the Palaeotethys, as known from Thuringia, Carnic Alps, Sardinia and Northwest Africa. Certain graptolite species and details of the graptolitic succession (for instance across the Wenlock-Ludlow junction) that were hitherto known only or essentially from Thuringia, are recognized also in southern Spain.

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