
Lumbar stenosis has been well discussed recently, especially at the 64th French Orthopaedic Society (SOFCOT: July 1989). The results of different surgical treatments were considered as good, but the indications for surgical treatment were not clear cut. Laminectomy is not the only treatment of spinal stenosis. Laminectomy is an approach with its own rate of complications (dural tear, fibrosis, instability... ).Eight years ago, J. Sénégas described what he called the "recalibrage" (enlargement). His feeling was that, in the spinal canal, we can find two different AP diameters. The first one is a fixed constitutional AP diameter (FCAPD) at the cephalic part of the lamina. The second one is a mobile constitutional AP diameter (MCAPD) marked by the disc and the ligamentum flavum. This diameter is maximal in flexion, minimal in extension. The nerve root proceeds through the lateral part of the canal: first above, between the disc and the superior articular process, then below, in the lateral recess bordered by the pedicle, the vertebral body and the posterior articulation. With the degenerative change the disc space becomes shorter, the superior articular process is worn out with osteophytes. These degenerative events are complicated by inter vertebral instability increasing the stenosis. The idea of the "recalibrage" is to remove only the upper part of the lamina with the ligamentum flavum and to cut the hypertrophied anterior part of the articular process from inside. If needed the disc and other osteophytes are removed. The surgery is finished with a ligamentoplasty reducing the flexion and preventing the extension by a posterior wedge.Our experience in spine surgery especially in scoliosis surgery, showed us that it was possible to cure a radicular compression without opening the canal. The compression is then lifted by the 3D reduction and restoration of an anatomy as normal as possible. Lumbar stenosis is the consequence of a degenerative process. Indeed, hip flexion, obesity or quite simply overuse, involve an increase in the lumbar lordosis. The posterior articulations are worn out and the disc gets damaged by shear forces. The disc space becomes shorter with a bulging disc, and the inferior articular process of the superior vertebra goes down. This is responsible of a loss of lordosis. For restoring the sagittal balance the patient needs more extension of the spine. Above and below the considered level the degenerative disease carries on extending to the whole spine. At the level considered, because of local extension, the inferior facet moves forward, the disc bulges, the ligamentum flavum is shortened and the stenosis is increased. This situation is improved by local kyphosis: the inferior facet moves backward, the disc and the ligamentum flavum are stretched with a quite normal posterior disc height and most often there is no more stenosis. Myelograms show this very well with a quite normal appearance lying, clear compression standing, worse in extension and improved, indeed disappeared in flexion. CT scan and MRI don't show that because they are done lying. The expression of the clinical situation is the same, mute lying and maximum standing with restriction of walking. For us lumbar stenosis is operated with lumbar reconstruction without opening the canal. The patient is in moderate kyphosis on the operating table. Pedicle screws rotated to match a bent rod allow reduction of the spine. The posterior disc height is respected and not distracted, and the anterior part of the disc is stretched in lordosis. The inferior facet is cut for the arthrodesis and no longer compresses the dura. The canal is well enlarged and the lumbar segment in lordosis is the best protection of the adjacent levels at follow-up. This behaviour responds to the same analysis as the ≪recalibrage≫ (enlargement). The mobile segment is damaged by the degenerative disease, the stenosis is a consequence of this damage. It's logical to treat the instability and to restore the normal static anatomy; thus bone resection is not necessary. At the present time all the lumbar stenoses with reduction in flexion are instrumented with spinal reduction and arthrodesis without opening the canal. The laminoarthrectomy and the enlargement are done when there is a fixed arthrosis which is rare in our practice and found in an older population. The follow-up shows a loss of reduction in some cases after reduction-instrumentation-arthrodesis and poses the question of an interbody fusion. We don't open the canal only for fusion (PLIF) if this is not necessary for the treatment of the stenosis. We think that, in such a situation, the future is ALIF with endoscopical approach. The problem is to determine which disc demanding this anterior fusion, is able to regenerate or not.

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