
The role of CCs as tools for rebuilding local economies through communities appears to emerge from the Italian experience. The projects launched in our country range from community of businesses – closed circuits in which members voluntarily exchange goods and services, offsetting debts against credits – to projects characterized by solidarity and participatory systems aimed at strengthening community relations as well as at promoting sustainable development models. These systems lie on the border between formal/informal economic activities. The proximity to existing projects, a certain ability to intercept emerging requests as well as the need to face the effects of the crisis caused by the pandemic has pressured some Regions to include CCs in their legislations as an attempt to move these systems to formal economy. However, the promotion of the complementary currencies is basically an investment in relationships, therefore stimulating trust and a proactive role in community decision-making is an issue that cannot be resolved just through legislation. Consequently, local institutions must rethink and improve their role in order to be able to become themselves pro-active subjects for the development of community initiatives.


  • The role of CCs as tools for rebuilding local economies through communities appears to emerge from the Italian experience

  • The projects launched in our country range from community

  • to projects characterized by solidarity

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Il fenomeno dei sistemi di monete complementari nasce in Italia negli anni Novanta con le prime sperimentazioni delle banche del tempo. Sono invece degli anni 2000 le prime esperienze locali legate al modello delle monete parallele o complementari locali, come il caso del Simec (Sistema Econometrico di Valore Indotto) nella provincia di Chieti e della moneta Eco- Aspromonte, che tuttavia furono bloccate dalla Banca d’Italia per raccolta abusiva del risparmio (Perna 2014). Tra i progetti nazionali che utilizzano monete scritturali di credito quello più importante è Sardex. Il primo è quello della gestione tecnologica della rete, e quindi la creazione di network analysis volte allo sviluppo delle informazioni tra soci, il secondo sono le funzioni di brokeraggio e di amministrazione volte a stimolare la domanda e l’offerta presente dentro la rete Sardex. Ultimo livello sono le operazioni inter-circuito volte a reperire beni e servizi non disponibili all’interno della rete Sardex. “come i beni e il lavoro” (Gesell 1958)

Abbuono circolare o buono circolante
Moneta politica e sociale
La promozione di altri modelli economici
Misure di sviluppo economico e sistemi di compensazione
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