
SYNOPSIS. The longitudinal kineties of the holotrich ciliate Trimyema marinum each bear only three widely spaced cilia; but these cilia are located at identical horizontal levels so that they comprise three helicoidal ciliary bands running around the anterior pole of the organism. The two kineties whose cilia are found most anteriorad, located in a right dorso‐lateral position on the body, are exceptional, however: they are prolonged anteriorly, bearing numerous short additional cilia.These two “polykineties” wind clockwise around a kind of apical disc; their distal extremities continue to curve, dipping into a “prebuccal invagination” in which they may be said to constitute a vestibular ciliature.In spite of its rather unique characteristics, the curious anatomy of this ciliate does conform to the organizational type recognized for holotrichs of the order Trichostomatida.

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