
The XIXTh century restoration work on the church of Germigny-des-Prés was carried out through a complete restructuring of the building. It also involved the destruction of several elements of the interior decoration ; it is therefore impossible to define and describe its original importance. The central apse mosaic, the main element of the iconographic program, was happily excluded from this radical restoration. Outside Italy, it is the only mural mosaic going back to Charlemagne's reign. Only fragments of the wall stucco-work of this apse remain in the Musée Historique de l'Orléanais. It was replaced by a modem one. The extent of the damage caused by restoration is obvious, but its chronology and its consequences, as far as decoration is concerned, remain vague. It was therefore necessary to conduct a new survey of the source material and of the research undertaken since the XIXth century. Following a study of the Bibliothèque du Patrimoine records, associated with a detailed examination of the remaining decoration, one can establish a chronology of the rebuilding work and its consequences. However, all the documents are not entirely satisfactory, particularly for the mosaic. Its present state prevents one from distinguishing XIXth and IXth elements. Nevertheless, conclusions can be drawn for the lower part of the apse. One can get a precise view of the oriental apse openings, from carolingian times up to the distempering of church walls in the second part of the XVIIIth century. Furthermore, a few elements of the original decoration can still be seen in the apse, mosaic remains between the middle level columns, and fragments of columns in the blind arcature.

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