
This study aims to describe the preventive behavior adopted by 212 Moroccans during the Covid-19 pandemic, in three different social contexts. Data collection was carried out during the first three months of Covid-19 lockdown in Morocco, through a Google-Form link. The results indicate a strong level of commitment by participants in the application of most of the preventive measures recommended to stop the spread of the Covid-19. However, the low rate of adoption of some of the other preventive measures can be explained by a series of socio-cultural factors. Indeed, at home, we noted an increase frequency of daily cleaning and changing of clothes by more than 60%, and hand washing by more than 76%. On the other hand, the results show a low respect for social distancing and a low individual use of utensils. Regarding preventive behaviors in markets, more than 69% of the participants respect the distancing measures, and more than 60% use antiseptics before entering and after leaving the markets, contrary to the use of bank cards, which remains low in more than 50% of the participants. The preventive behaviors adopted at work include mainly the use of antiseptics and protective masks in more than 81% of the studied cases, and the respect of distancing in more than 62%, with the reduction of the number of employees declared by 50% of the participants, and the adaptation of the shift timing in more than 56% of the cases. In addition, more than 43% of the participants confirmed the respect of the physical barriers between the employees. All in all, the interaction of individuals with preventive measures depends on their awareness and perception of the risks related to the virus, as it also depends on several socio-cultural, logistical and organizational parameters, such as the availability and ease of implementation of these preventive measures, as well as the effectiveness of awareness strategies and campaigns.

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