
Uyumsuz tiyatro akiminin oncu yazarlarindan Eugene Ionesco, oyunlarinda varolusun anlamsizligini ve insanin kendisini gerceklestiremeyisini grotesk ve simgesel bir anlatimla acimlar. Ionesco, yazinsal yasaminda onemli bir donum noktasi olan Gergedanlar adli oyununda, Ikinci Dunya Savasi oncesinde baslayan totaliter yonetimlerin, insanligi yavas yavas ele gecirmesini irdeler. Yazar, gercekustu anlayisla yazdigi oyununda yasamin anlamini ve bilincaltini sorgular. Totaliter yonetimde yasayan insanlarin, baskilara dayanamayarak suru haline geldiklerini ve ozgur iradelerini baskalarina teslim etmelerinin trajik sonuclarini vurgular. Oyun, Nazizm suresince insanoglunun yasadigi barbarliga karsi bir ciglik gibidir. Usdisi bir imge olarak algilanan gergedanlasma, birbirlerine benzeme istegi sonucunda baskalasan cogunlugun kisiliklerini yitirmeleri ve daha guclu bir hale gelerek diger insanlari ezme dusuncesine dayanir. Ionesco, buyuk yankilar uyandiran oyunu araciligiyla insanin sikismisligini ortaya koyar. Toplumun suru kimligine burunmesini ve hegemonik guc haline gelen her seyi elestirir. Zamana uyma kaygisindaki insanin yasam karsisindaki caresizligine, yalnizligina, umutsuzluguna, korkularina ve dus kirikliklarina odaklanir. Ionesco, insanoglunu temel sorunlari ile yuzlestirdigi oyununda, Fransizlarin Alman isgali altindayken siddete karsi koymamalarinin yergisini yapar. Her tur bagnazliga ve zorbaliga karsi cikan yazar, insanoglunun otoriteye teslim olmadan, ozgur iradesini kullanarak yazgisini belirlemesinin onemini vurgular. Baski ve siddete karsi baskaldiran insanin, kosulsuz bir sevgi ile onurundan vazgecmemesi gerektigini dile getirir. Calismamizda, baskalasim yoluyla gergedanlasan bir toplumun ilkelerini yadsima olgusu, metne bagli inceleme yontemi isiginda cozumlenmeye calisilacaktir. Anahtar Sozcukler: Eugene Ionesco, Gergedanlar, 20. Yuzyil, Uyumsuz Tiyatro. THE BATTLE OF THE INDIVIDUAL AGAINST THE MASSES IN THE PLAY OF EUGENE IONESCO CALLED RHINOCEROSES Abstract: One of the pioneer writers of the absurd theatre stream, Eugene Ionesco, describes the meaninglessness of existence and the failure of mankind in realizing himself by means of a grotesque and symbolic depiction. Eugene Ionesco exhibits the gradual capture of mankind by totalitarian regimes, which gained power prior to the Second World War, in his famous play Rhinoceroses, which is an important mile stone in his literary life. The writer questions the meaning of life and subconsciousness in his play, which he wrote in a surrealistic approach. He emphasizes the fact that people, who lived under a totalitarian regime, began to form a herd by being unable to resist continuous political pressure anymore and tragic consequences of the fact that they delivered their free will over to others. The play seems to be like a scream against barbarism that humanity had suffered from during the Nazi regime. Becoming a rhinoceros, which is perceived as an irrational image, is based upon the loss of identity of the transforming majority due to the willingness to resemble one another and to oppress other people by becoming a stronger entity. Ionesco demonstrates the situation, in which mankind is caught in between, by means of his play, which yielded a tremendous echo in its context. He criticizes the fact that society endorsed a gregarious identity and everything that turned into a hegemonical power. He focuses on hopelessness, loneliness, desperateness, fear and disappointment of mankind, who is anxious about adapting oneself to time with respect to life. Eugene Ionesco makes use of irony and satire of the lack of resistance in France to violence whilst being under German occupation, in his play through which he confronts people with their basic problems. The author, who opposes all kinds of fanaticism and despotism, underlines the importance for mankind to determine their destiny by exerting their own free will, without surrender to any authority. He states that people, who revolt against oppression and violence, should never give up on their unconditional love and honour. By means of a text-based methodology, we try, in this study, to analyse the denial of principles of a society that turns into a crowd full of rhinoceroses as a result of metamorphosis. Keywords: Eugene Ionesco, Rhinoceroses, 20th Century, the Theatre of the Absurd.

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