
Military dental surgery covers many original and generally unrecognised forms of practice where skills such as versatility, efficience and professionalism come into their own. Although the idea of creating a regular corps of dental surgeons within the French armed forces is not new, this project has been effectively implemented only in 2000, together with the military reforms. Although the “professionalisation” of the nation’s armies opened the door to implementation, this realisation is nonetheless the result of a long evolution which goes beyond the military environment, reflecting the gradual, general recognition of our profession within the medical world. Its organisation is based first and foremost on geographical sectoring which breaks the mould of the unit/hospital dichotomy, enabling all dental surgeons to practice in proximity to and for the benefit of the troops. Synergies with the civilian world in daily care, vocational training or research activities help to maintain the Army-Nation relationship. The integration of reserve practitioners into all military activities was the next logical step in the process. Robustness, quality, regular maintenance and compliance with health and safety standards of their equipment help dental surgeons to devote themselves to their “raison d’être”: working in close cooperation with their medical colleagues to obtain and preserve the best possible state of health for the defence personnel. Fully integrated, versatile and available, military practitioners accompany our soldiers all over the globe. In addition to supporting French or allied armed forces, their roles in foreign countries often include missions of a humanitarian nature, illustrating the mottoes of our schools: “pro patria et humanitate” * and “mari transve mare hominibus semper prodesse”**. * For our Country and Humanity, **Always serving Mankind across the seas

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