
The objective is to put into light certain historical and cultural aspects of the Targuie civilization and to establish a detailed point of view regarding a certain number of problems that the young Nigerian democracy is confronted with. He points out that many false rumors concerning the Tuareg are diffused in the West. After a short historical brief on the Tuareg (Targui origin and population on Nigerian territory), the author describes the Tuaregis socio-political structures and the Targuieis economy. He wonders what future awaits the Sahel people. According to him, interrelations between stockbreeders and farmers constitute a system adapted to the social, economic and cultural situation of the Sahel people which favours the exploitation of natural ressources without putting the equilibrum of the sub-regionis ecosystem in danger. Therefore, Nigerians should get together in order to mould their destiny and hence apply the principles of human rights based on equality, justice and union of different ethnic groups.

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