
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic hemoglobinopathy driven largely by a single codon mutation of the β-globin gene resulting in polymerization of hemoglobin S (HbS). Anti-sickling approaches that involve increasing the oxygen affinity of HbS to treat SCD are under development and offer the potential to directly prevent HbS polymerization and its downstream pathophysiology. Two such compounds, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5HMF) and voxelotor (GBT440) have entered clinical trials for SCD with promising results and exert their therapeutic effects by modifying the N-terminus of HbS α-globin chains to form a reversible Schiff base. Formation of this N-terminal adduct stabilizes the oxygen-bound R-state (in the R2 conformation) that increases the oxygen affinity of the altered HbS and delaying the polymerization of HbS. In addition, genetic and small molecule therapies designed to increase fetal hemoglobin (HbF) expression hold great potential for the treatment of SCD. Increasing the percentage of HbF in RBCs significantly slows sickling kinetics without affecting oxygen delivery. Combination approaches of high-O2-Hb modification with HbF inducing therapies clinically could result in increased efficacy in the treatment of SCD, but the impact of hemoglobin modifiers on fetal hemoglobin has not been reported. Our present studies investigated the effects of 5HMF and voxelotor in HbF-rich umbilical cord blood derived RBCs.HbF-rich (60-90%) RBCs were isolated from cord blood and incubated with commercially available 5HMF and voxelotor synthesized in-house. The effect of these compounds on hemoglobin oxygen affinity was determined by measuring the p50 of the oxygen saturation curve in whole cells. Sites of modification were determined directly by incubating compounds with the purified RBC lysate, stabilizing the N-terminal adduct by reduction to the amine, and analysis of the resulting modification by LC-MS. Similar to the reported p50 shifts with normal adult hemoglobin (HbA) and HbS, 5HMF and voxelotor increased the oxygen-binding affinity of HbF with an EC50 of 7.9 mM and 560 mM respectively. 1 mM voxelotor lowered cord RBC p50 to 4 mmHg in vitro. LC-MS analysis showed that 5HMF exclusively modified the N-terminus of the α-globin chain, with no modification of b-globin and g-globin chains. Unexpectedly, the α-globin, β-globin and γ-globin chains were all modified by voxelotor following incubation with cord blood. Voxelotor was also shown to modify both α-globin and the β-globin or βS-globin chains on purified HbA or HbS, respectively. These data contrast with published crystallography data demonstrating that voxelotor selectively modifies a single α-globin chain in CO-ligated HbS (Oksenberg et al 2016).Although anti-sickling aromatic aldehydes have similar effects on the oxygen binding affinity of HbA, HbS and HbF, they can vary in their selectivity for modification of the α-globin and beta-like chains of HbF, HbA, and HbS (Abraham et al. 1995). To further investigate our data with voxelotor and increase our understanding of this class of molecules, other hemoglobin modifying aldehyde molecules such as 5-formylsalicyclic acid (5FSA), tucaresol and velaresol (BW12C) will be examined. DisclosuresVieira:Bioverativ a Sanofi Company: Employment. Hong:Bioverativ a Sanofi Company: Employment, Equity Ownership. Desai:Bioverativ a Sanofi Company: Employment, Equity Ownership. Safo:Bioverativ a Sanofi Company: Consultancy; Virginia Commonwealth University: Employment. Light:Bioverativ a Sanofi Company: Employment, Equity Ownership.

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