
In ARCHES (NCT02677896), ENZA + ADT reduced risk of radiographic progression and improved secondary outcomes in men with mHSPC over PBO + ADT. Here we report the final OS (after 356 events), a key secondary endpoint in ARCHES and a critical benchmark of clinical efficacy, which was immature at the time of primary analysis. Men with de novo or relapsed mHSPC (n=1150) were randomized 1:1 to ENZA (160 mg/day) + ADT or PBO + ADT, stratified by disease volume and prior docetaxel use. At the time of data cut-off and unblinding, 180 (31.3%) patients treated with PBO + ADT crossed over to open-label ENZA + ADT. A stratified log-rank test was performed at a two-sided significance level of 0.04 for OS based on an O’Brien-Fleming boundary. Kaplan-Meier estimates of OS and time to subsequent antineoplastic therapy (TTNAnti) were reported and hazard ratios (HRs) were estimated from a stratified Cox proportional hazards model. Safety was assessed via treatment-emergent adverse events. Baseline characteristics were similar between treatment arms. As of the data cut-off of May 28, 2021, 397 (34.5%) patients remained on treatment, with a median follow-up of 44.6 months). Median treatment duration was 40.2 months on ENZA + ADT, 13.8 months on PBO + ADT, and 23.9 months for crossover patients. ENZA + ADT extended survival vs PBO + ADT (HR 0.66; 95% confidence interval 0.53, 0.81; p<0.0001) [Table] with similar results in most prespecified subgroups. ENZA + ADT continued to prolong TTNAnti vs PBO + ADT. The safety profile of ENZA + ADT vs PBO + ADT was consistent with findings from the primary analysis. This final analysis demonstrates that ENZA + ADT significantly prolongs survival in men with mHSPC and, together with the acceptable safety profile, supports the clinical benefit of ENZA + ADT in men with mHSPC.Table: LBA25Time to event efficacy endpointsEndpointENZA + ADT(n=574)PBO + ADT(n=576)p valueOSEvents, n (%)154 (26.83)202 (35.07)Median, months (95% CI)NR (NR, NR)NR (49.74, NR)HR (95% CI)0.66 (0.53, 0.81)<0.00012-year OS rate, %86.1982.353-year OS rate, %77.8868.954-year OS rate, %70.6157.01Median TTNAnti, months (95% CI)NR (NR, NR)40.5 (26.25, NR)HR (95% CI)0.38 (0.31, 0.48)CI, confidence interval; NR, not reached.Analyses include all randomized patients. OS was defined as time from randomization to death from any cause. For patients still alive at the date of the analysis cut-off point, OS was censored on the last date the patient is known to be alive. Open table in a new tab

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